A Favor Mentality
What a man thinks, he will become. There are many different ways we could have imagined ourselves. We could have a victim mentality, a poverty mentality, etc. However, I want to talk to you about a favor mentality!
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Luke 4:18-19
1. Time For God’s Favor
It is vital we hear the word of God because it has the power to transform our lives and mentality. Once God changes our thinking, He can change our confession, actions, and our world!
Blessing, prosperity, and the favor of God does not come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out. As a man thinks in his heart, he becomes. This is why in certain cases you can take everything from somebody and they’ll come back bigger and better than ever because the blessing and the prosperity was inside of them.
Favor brings supernatural increase and promotion. It brings honor and promotion in the midst of our enemies. Favor causes an increase in the area of assets and produces great victories in the middle of great impossibilities. It causes recognition when we seem least likely to get it. Favor can cause policies, rules and regulations, and laws to be changed to our advantage. Favor opens doors no man can shut. It produces restoration and acceleration of everything the devil has stolen!
2. Favor Has No Limits
Faith does not limit the grace and favor of God. The Bible says we gain access by faith into favor and grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God! There is favor and God is giving us access but we have to walk through the door of faith. We have to trust and believe God no matter how it looks, what it feels like, or what the generational curses behind us have said. We are not what they say we are. We are the children of God Almighty and faith opens the door for us to step into His supernatural favor.
3. Fear And Anxiety
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
Fear and anxiety are the number one enemies of faith and favor. This is why in the Bible when the angel first approached Mary (mother of Jesus), he told her she had found favor with God. His next statement to her was to be fearless. Fear and anxiety are cripplers of the faith of God.
We have to address any fear or anxiety in our life because they are like magnets. They will attract the negatives in our life. If we have the mentalities that say, “nobody likes me,” “I’m never going to have enough,” or “I am my mistakes,” with any type of fear, that will cripple the access of God’s favor in our life. Fear and anxiety must be addressed!
4. Trusting God’s Favor
We are going to be like Mary and agree with God. If God says favor belongs to us, then we agree with Him no matter what. We must allow God’s word to break off a small-minded, faithless, victim mentality! In many cases, we have to overcome the intimidation of the pain of our past.
God told His people He was going to bring them into a spacious promised land flowing with milk and honey. A good and safe land–a wealthy place. He said He was going to do this for them. So, the people told him no, there are giants in the land. They saw the giants and heard their voices of intimidation calling them grasshoppers.
This here is a limited, victim mentality. They were living with the mentality of a taskmaster. Pharaoh’s power was not just in his army. Israel was actually much bigger than Pharaoh’s army. Israel could have risen up and taken down Pharaoh’s army at any time. However, Pharaoh’s strategy was not in his strength of arms. His real strength was in his taskmasters. They were trained to abuse, intimidate, and manipulate. This was their strategy to abuse God’s people for 400 years.
We must trust in God’s promises, His favor, and break free from the taskmaster-mentality of our past so we can possess our promised land!
Final Thoughts
We don’t carry a limited mentality, we carry a favor mentality!
We are not going to limit (push back) God.
If God says favor is our portion, then we agree with Him!
We need to trust God and allow Him to break a victim mentality off of our life and replace it with His favor mentality.