Believe God, Don’t Give Up
Let’s talk about goals and how to set them. What are your goals for the new year? A good place to start is to reflect back on some previous goals and assess which ones were accomplished. We look back on some of our objectives and discern whether there may be aspects that still need work. These can move into a new year and season along with those previous unaccomplished goals.
1. Setting Reasonable Goals
No matter what area it is in our life, we set goals. Use strategy by making them simple, reasonable, and with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and sound judgment. Goals should stretch us and challenge us but not overwhelm us. At the same time, we don’t want to limit ourselves too small. Once we set goals, we walk confident God is with us and will see us through.
Setting goals is about choices. Every day we choose what we’re going to do that day. Of course, we should begin with prayer and hearing from the Holy Spirit. However, through the course of our day our choices ultimately become completed goals when we have them before us.
2. Write the Vision
“I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am corrected. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”
Habakkuk 2:1-3
In faith, we write our goals and visions down. We make those goals very simple and plain because some goals, like corporate goals, will take more than us to accomplish. So, we set and write them down for everyone who is running with us to see. Now, that does not concern our personal goals. Those are for us alone and they also should be simple. For example, “I want to be a better parent or a better spouse”. There are different types of goals we can set: personal, family, corporate, financially, and more.
3. Travail in Prayer
Prayer is a vital building block when setting our goals and vision. Why? Because we have a ruthless and determined enemy who battles against God’s children. He is opposing every single promise from God. Especially when we are standing in the gap for the salvation of souls!
There is a spiritual pressure that happens when our goals and vision are nearing breakthrough. All hell breaks loose right before the breakthrough is about to happen. When that lost soul is about to be snatched from the flames of hell and enter into the Kingdom of God, the enemy will fight to release a soul from his kingdom. He does not want us to receive God’s blessings! The worse the spiritual pressure (the battle) gets, the closer we are to the promise, goal, vision, and salvation for souls!
When we feel the spiritual pressure, we can become impatient and fall into disbelief of our prayer, or we can dig into the Word of God, drawing a line in the sand to believe no matter what comes against us. No matter how long, it is going to happen in God’s perfect timing.
4. Don’t Lose Heart
When the enemy battles us, he brings distraction trying to remove our focus from God’s promises for our lives. Offense is top in his arsenal! No matter how offense presents itself, we walk in love, and forgiveness. Most of all, we keep our eyes on Jesus! The only way to overpower the darkness is through love.
Final Thoughts
The pressure is the indicator the breakthrough is around the corner!
We never throw in the towel when we have Almighty God on our side.
We study God’s Word, we pray God’s Word, and we believe God’s Word!
We come boldly to the throne of God reminding Him of His word.