Getting Planted in The House of The Lord
“Those that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
Psalm 92:13
The city that God loves is the church. Nowadays, people don’t believe they need to be planted in a local church; however, this is not biblical.
The church is a family, and God wants us to be part of a local family. Together we can build something great for God and impact our city!
1. Planted in The House of The Lord
“God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.”
Psalm 68:6
God makes a home for the lonely in His house. This is a powerful statement here especially with so many homeless people populating our streets. Whether we live in a physical house or not, when we get planted in God’s house, we experience freedom from bondage. Then, prosperity and joy come!
Whatever is on the house of God, will end up manifesting itself in our life. We are to raise our children in the house of God. The house of God (the church) is a family, a bride, a body, an army, and a hospital. This is what God ordains.
To be planted can suggest the process of gardening. When you first plant a tree it may take several years to grow into its fullness. However, because this tree has been planted, it will eventually flourish. The tree first budded, then bloomed, then flourished, then thrived and prospered as it spread out.
2. A Perfect Church
If we are looking for a perfect church, the moment we walk into one, it will no longer be perfect. Nobody is perfect, not even a church. There is no such thing as a perfect church, a perfect job, a perfect marriage, or perfect children. There is no such thing because everything will have its challenges. There will be disagreements, arguments, and even fighting, but families will get through it. A lot of times, we don’t commit to a church as a family, so we’re not willing to get through the challenges, and we will be subject to uprooting. This is unhealthy, so we must be planted in the house of God and stay put to flourish!
When you are planted, you are positioned to be tested, to be proven, to be disciplined, and then to thrive! If we keep uprooting ourselves because we are looking for a perfect church, we will never experience these biblical growth steps. Do not become a “church hopper;” instead, get planted where God puts you and grow to thrive.
We need to learn to stick through things and get planted and not run when the going gets tough. Exercise this principle in all areas of our life: our marriage, our job, our church. Please don’t give up because we will never develop this way. Sometimes the very thing we want to run from is the very thing that will develop our character and our love walk.
3. Prospering In Old Age
“They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; They shall be fat and flourishing; To show that the Lord is upright: He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”
Psalm 92:14-15
God has been showing me that people who get older in the house of God are still fruitful. They are still thriving and prospering in a world that wants to throw them out. However, in God’s house, they bring wisdom, and they can still be fresh and flourishing.
This is how it is supposed to be in the house of God. The older we become, the more value we will bring. We will bring more dignity and wisdom. The Bible says gray hair is wisdom. We can be fresh and flourishing as we grow older because we are connected (planted) in the house of God. We will become vital and fresh, rich in trust, love, contentment, and commitment!
4. Our Water Flows From the Sanctuary
“Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”
Ezekiel 47:12
Whatever is flowing through God will flow through His house and His family. Our fruit will not fail, and we are going to bear fruit every single month because our water flows from the sanctuary. Our fruit will be food not only for our family, our city, or our community but will be medicine for the nations.
When we are connected (planted) in God’s house, we will be a source of blessing to our house, our family, our community, to our nation. This is why we must connect to the house of God: the local church, the sanctuary! Sanctuary means a consecrated place, an asylum, our Father’s House.
When we buy and renovate buildings, we turn them into the house of God, a consecrated place. It is no longer an ordinary building because it has been consecrated to the worship of God. Set apart for the family of God! It is an asylum for the broken and the hurting. When we needed rest, and we were like weary travelers drowning in our addictions, our bondages, our despair, our depression, and we couldn’t get free, the house of God was our refuge. Because in the house of God is the family of God.
The house of God has to open its doors to everybody–come as you are. It is a house of healing for the rich, for the poor, for the prodigals, for the broken! It is a house with the river of God flowing.
Final Thoughts
Whatever is flowing through and in the house of God will flow through and in our life.
If we search for a perfect church, we’re not looking for reality.
We must learn to stick through things and not run when the going gets tough.
The house of God is not just for the healthy or those that have it all together. It is a hospital for the sick and for the broken.
How can we say we love God but don’t love what He loves? As imperfect as our church is, as flawed as our families are, God still loves us, and He loves His house: His church.
Our last days will be our best days when we are planted in the house of God!