How To Have Favor in Every Area of Our Life
One of the officials said, “I know one of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem who can play well. He’s a courageous man and a warrior. He has a way with words, he is handsome, and the Lord is with him.”
1 Samuel 16:18
Favor means God Almighty has laid His hand upon our life. He wants to use us for His eternal purposes. Anytime God says He’s with us, there is favor on our life! In this scripture, we find that when favor comes upon us it will guarantee us His success, victory, and blessing. When we live in radical obedience to God, we are living a lifestyle of radical favor. David continued to thank God in all his ways because the Lord was with him.
1. Favor Brings Prosperity
One of the ways we will know God’s favor is on us is we will begin to prosper in every area of our life: our relationship with God, our health, our marriage, our children, our grandchildren, in our calling, our career, etc. God wants to prosper you in every area of your life.
2. Radical Obedience
When we move into supernatural favor and walk in a higher level of radical obedience, God is with us on assignment and we will begin to live on another level of supernatural favor. Radical obedience releases His supernatural favor.
God removed Saul and made David their king. God spoke favorably about David. He said, ‘I have found that David, son of Jesse, is a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’
Acts 13:22
Radical obedience is what David had in this scripture. He did everything God wanted him to do. Mary, the mother of Jesus, said she would do whatever God wanted her to do. This meant carrying a child in her womb for nine months, risking Joseph leaving her, nobody believing her, and people thinking she is crazy. But she did not let the fear of man or rejection stop her from being radically obedient to God.
Radical obedience is simply trusting God and allowing Him to keep us to Himself for a season as we allow Him to lead us completely.
3. Downfall of Disobedience
Saul was chosen by God and given the dream of heaven, but he decided he was too afraid of what people would think about him if he obeyed God. Instead of obeying God, Saul obeyed the people. By doing this, God removed His favor from Saul’s life and went in search for somebody else. God went on a search to put His favor on somebody who would be obedient to Him, and He found David. God testified about David that He had found a man after His own heart that would do everything He asked him to.
Radical obedience brings increased favor, while disobedience brings the opposite. Our gift and talent does not bring God’s favor, radical obedience does.
4. Obedience and Sacrifice
To be obedient and sacrifice means to lay aside our own agenda to pick up His. It requires us to face our fears and conquer them through faith. Don’t allow fear of being alone, rejected, or failing stop you from saying “yes” to God. Every time we say “no,” God has to take His favor and search for somebody else. Let today be the day we choose radical obedience by saying “yes” to God’s agenda and plan for our lives.
Final Thoughts
Obedience and sacrifice means to lay aside our own agenda to pick up His.
Obedience to God will bring His prosperity and blessings in every area of our lives.
When we begin to live a lifestyle of radical obedience, it will release God’s supernatural favor.