How To Live In Your Freedom
On that cross 2,000 years ago, when Jesus was hanging high and stretched wide, by His stripes we were (already done) healed! When God sees us, He not only sees us righteous, but He sees us healed! The devil knows if we believe this, receive it, then it will be a miracle, and everybody will know God is alive! This is why he works relentlessly at assaulting our minds with his lies that we are sick, and we are going to stay sick, we are defeated, and we will always be defeated. His words are to keep us down and God’s words are to raise us above the rebellious beliefs of the world he has deceived.
1. Integrity of God’s Will
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10 (KJV)
We must keep our faith focused on God’s word and His promises of a life of abundance! Get rid of those lies from the enemy “maybe God wants me to be sick,” “maybe God is teaching me a lesson.” Jesus already paid the price for all our sins and all our sickness so we can live a life of abundance in every area! It is God’s will for us to be filled with His abundance.
2. God Will Provide
“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.”
2 Corinthians 8:9
On the cross, Jesus broke the curse of lack. He became poor when He was on the cross naked and without food so that we can live a blessed, prosperous life. The word rich means to be abundantly supplied for. He took our lack, broke the curse of lack, and God is now our Jehovah Jireh–our Provider! He became our sin so we can walk in His righteousness. He became our sickness so we can walk in His healing. He became our poverty so we can walk in His provision. He became our curse so we can walk in His blessings. He is the only Curse Breaker for our family: divorce, alcoholism, drug addiction, worry, anxiety, and the list goes on.
3. Spiritual Warfare
The enemy is not just going to let us walk into our victory without a fight. He knows what the cross represents. The cross is his defeat and he knows it broke every curse. So he diligently and relentlessly works to keep us deficient from the knowledge of God’s will for our life. More than anything, he knows once we get this revelation of God’s perfect will for our life, our faith will stand tall and firm. This is when we start declaring God’s word over our lives, and the enemy knows that is his defeat. He can’t stop us. Our faith is kryptonite against his attacks and his lies.
4. New Creations
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
We are sons and daughters of the Most High God! We are born-again into His family, and we are now recipients of His perfect will for our life. That is who we are. We are blessed in the city, we are blessed in the field, we are blessed going in, and we are blessed going out. This will be our fight with the enemy until the day we die and go into eternity with our Father God.
Final Thoughts
Jesus defeated Satan on that cross so we can live in His victory. The cross broke every curse.
We are what God says we are.
Keep your faith focused on God’s word and His promises for a life of abundance.