Our God Brings Us Freedom

Our God Brings Us Freedom

In the shaky world we live in, we can find ourselves shattered from traumatizing things like divorce, abandonment, and plenty other burdens. It can become an emotional one-way ticket into addiction.

Many of these challenges can affect our self-esteem and self-worth guiding us into unhealthy lifestyles. This can result in many unsafe and precarious consequences. We walk through life with distorted perspectives and mindsets which can open us up to escape routes through different types of substances and relationships. When in fact, these types of things can be damaging by trying to fill voids left from our shattered foundations. Unhealthy relationships stem from unhealthy people who can lead us into deeper and darker lifestyles.

1. Staying Spiritually Prepared

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

John 10:10

The enemy is strategic when it concerns our journey in this life starting at infancy. His tactics are guided toward destruction. We can find ourselves drowning in destruction with no way out like quicksand.

The enemy’s plan is to steal, kill, and destroy. He knows what person to place in our path that will fulfill his plan of destruction. He knows what will hold us captive within our addictions: small or large. He knows how to manipulate every piece of our foundation for his benefit.

2. A Life With Purpose

“But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”

Genesis 50:20

We serve a God who takes any mess of the enemy and turns it into a message, a testimony of redemption, restoration, and empowerment to tear down the enemy’s walls he held us captive within. There is nothing impossible for God in your life! He is the creator of heaven and earth who defeated all the powers of the enemy!

“I give you authority over all the power of the enemy. You will walk amongst snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will harm you.”

Luke 10:19

When we surrender our life to Jesus Christ, we instantly stepped into a new life with Kingdom benefits. We have authority over all evil. It is our weapon of defense against an enemy who is relentless yet powerless. He knows God’s word from Genesis to Revelation, but cannot win because it protects us all.

3. Knowledge Is Our Power

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Joshua 1:8

In this scripture we find the blueprint to victory which is in the word of God! We find a problem and go to God’s word to find a promise to override it. God has a promise for every issue under the sun. His word is unbeatable and is the strongest force on planet earth. We as Christians have a responsibility to gain knowledge, which is power, only found in the word of God! We meditate on it and do everything it tells us to do then and only will we walk in our victory.

4. Power of Prayer

“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Matthew 21:22

Our prayers change people’s lives. We have the power to send our supplications to God Almighty by standing praying on behalf for our family, our friends, and people we love who are lost in darkness. Our prayers battle with the darkness that holds them captive and we never throw in the towel until they are kneeling at the altar surrendering their life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only hope for this world in chaos. Prayer is our responsibility as Christians that will turn ours and loved one’s lives around. It is our strongest weapon against the enemy. There is power in our prayers! There is power in your prayers!

Final Thoughts

God can turn a mess into a masterpiece.

God is real and changing lives from Satan’s destruction into glorious redemption.

Not only does God redeem us from sin, but He also gives us purpose!

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About Pastor Jason

Jason Lozano leads Freedom City Church in Whittier, CA and pastors a global multi-cultural church with thousands of members. His church has one goal and one vision: To Bring God’s Freedom To This Generation.
