Receiving Mercy and Compassion
God helps us by increasing His level of mercy and grace in our lives. He can increase it but we have to receive it.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16

1. Throne of Favor
God’s is a throne of undeserved blessing, ability, opportunity, wisdom, and joy. A throne that gives us strength from God Almighty through His grace. God is telling us here, in this scripture, we approach His throne of favor with confidence so we may receive. This word receive is the key. We are receivers. We don’t receive negativity, gossip, unbelief, fear, sickness, or poverty. We are receivers of His favor of goodness.
Some of us may have to learn how to receive His blessings. Because we may feel like we are unworthy but the truth is we will never be worthy of God’s blessings. If we are going to be men and women of God, we have to learn to receive because what we are really receiving is His mercy and His grace that will help us with our needs.
2. Humbleness
“But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
James 4:6
Prayer is being humble before God knowing how much we need Him in every area of our life. When we think we are good, and we can do life without Him, we are in pride, and we will never receive His favor. However, when we pray and humbly receive His grace and mercy, He will pour on us greater levels of mercy!
There is a blind man in the Bible, Bartimaeus, who was begging on the road side. He needed help and his sight back. His condition did not allow him to be prosperous. When Jesus crossed his path, he needed his eyes healed so he cried out for Jesus–prayer! He was reaching out for Jesus’s help. Jesus had mercy on him and the throne of favor healed his eyesight and he received his miracle of sight–he received.
3. The Lord Our Helper
“So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
Hebrews 13:6
We must believe the Lord is our Helper. Believing is vital, it gives us the confidence to receive from God. We believe, we receive! His mercies are new every morning and no matter how many times we miss the mark, we continue to believe confidently so we can receive His mercy, His throne of favor.
Mercy is just not a feeling, mercy is an action. Jesus went about doing good and that’s mercy. He was a philanthropist and went about helping people to get out of poverty. Mercy is God’s help and His compassion.
4. The Matchless Wealth of God
“But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”
Ephesians 2:4-5
The Bible proclaims God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. The earth and everything in it, God owns! We don’t have a broke Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is rich. God is not just rich in money, He is rich in everything that is good including mercy. He loved us so much that even when we were dead in our sin, He still saved us by His grace. God’s mercy will take care of every single one of our needs, but we have to receive it!
Compassion in action is how we as believers should live our life. Like the Good Samaritan in the Bible, we are to spend our lives helping people, spend our lives mending broken hearts, and spend our life as human vessels for God’s goodness, His favor! We will never out give God. We will reap what we sow; however, our motive should not just be to get back, our motive should be out of love for people who need God’s help. We help people and God will help us. This is a biblical fact.

Final Thoughts
Mercy is God’s compassion in action.
God’s compassion and mercy overrides the natural and moves us over and into the supernatural.