Stepping Into Abundance
“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’
Matthew 6:9-13
God’s kingdom is King Dominion where God is the king and has all authority. Then there is Satan’s power and authority, and he is in a position where he is ruling and reigning simultaneously. God needs His kingdom to invade Satan’s kingdom and overpower and remove the kingdom of darkness.

1. The Church of Jesus Christ
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33
When we seek first the kingdom of God, we are putting His kingdom, church, and agenda ahead of our own. The church (which are the people) is God’s government and out of the church His children are equipped to do the work of the ministry. We are equipped to take the kingdom of God into family, schools, business, politics, and every area where the world has not valued God first. We, the church, invade the enemies space eradicating his darkness and establishing the kingdom of God.
“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”
Matthew 11:12
We turn darkness into light. We turn the kingdoms of darkness into the kingdom of God. This consists of warfare and a battle. This scripture says it all! The violent take it by force which means it is forcefully advancing. This is a very powerful statement because the truth is, the true secret to life is to put God’s kingdom first.
Why don’t people put God’s kingdom first? Why don’t people seek God’s agenda or His church first? Because there is spiritual warfare when it concerns equipping God’s people to do the work of ministry. When we decide to put God’s kingdom first, His agenda first, His church first, the challenges attached to it may intimidate others.
2. Spiritual Warfare
By putting God’s kingdom first this comes with real warfare. Satan is not going to roll over and let God’s people take his space without a battle. Whenever we are part of overpowering and taking dominion of his space, no matter what and where that space is, there will be a spiritual war without measure. He is relentless especially in these end times when he is running out of time. Just look at the world today and we will see the battle of good and evil, darkness and light.
When we are part of God’s kingdom, we break generational curses by changing lives, restoring families, and breaking out revival. This doesn’t happen without a battle of resistance. This is why we have to make a genuine commitment to put God’s kingdom first in every area of our life especially when it concerns His kingdom. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
When we decide to put His kingdom and His will first in our life, we will find ourselves in a battle. We may ask ourselves why I would want to battle the darkness? How will this benefit my life, my family, my health, and everything else about me? These types of thoughts are small-minded, and our life becomes self-absorbed.
The truth is, the kingdom of God will affect our lives, even our health and we will walk in divine health! It will affect our children and they will serve the Lord. The kingdom of God will affect every area of our life in a positive way. This does not mean we neglect our family and our health. It means we are going to establish God’s kingdom in our life and whatever manifests from the kingdom of God, we will take it into other people’s lives.
3. God’s Covenant
We all want God to meet our needs. We want all of His blessings added to our life. But we must understand we have a covenant with God through our salvation and through the blood of the Lamb. A covenant is an agreement with someone greater than us because we are not as strong as Him and we need His help. What’s ours belongs to God and vice versa.
We have made a covenant with Almighty God. He is stronger than us and more powerful. God has everything we need in this life. He is the King of the Kingdom, and we have a covenant with Him. What is mine is yours! We want His resources and His provisions. This is the abundant life.
We can pray for revival until we are blue in the face, but we are praying prayers that will not manifest in our life until we walk out those prayers. We pray and work with God until His kingdom is manifested in our life. God is sovereign but at the same time He gives us responsibility as His kingdom children. A covenant is a pledge, a contract which involves responsibility and accountability. This involves action!

Final Thoughts
The greatest responsibility we have is to advance the kingdom of God.
God is calling us to turn people from the darkness into the light. From the power of darkness to the power of God Almighty.
The secret to an abundant life is to put God’s kingdom and His will first in our life.